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Showing posts from April, 2011

Beware of the Brainwashers

Brainwashers are defined as “the entity which feed things in your mind and make you believe it, follow it and use you for their benefit.” Well this is my definition. Brainwashers can be people from political group, people of an ideological group, religious group and ethnic group. These can alter your minds thoughts and make you think what they want you to think.  (Special note: They can affect only those who don’t think and verify but believe directly.)  Whether rich or poor, educated or uneducated, urban or rural, everybody can be trapped by these people. TYPES: I’ll be not taking out the names, you will realize what I am talking about when you read it.    Political Brainwashers: These people portray their ideologies, vision and thoughts as correct, even though how incorrect it might be. They always portray the opposition’s thoughts, workings in bad light. And as part of political democracy, the masses agree with them and support them. Issues