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Showing posts from July, 2011

Indian Mythical Creatures II

My earlier post “ Indian Mythical Creatures ” stated the similarities between the mythical beings of India and that of the western countries. Now I have found more similarities. These mythical beings are very commonly seen but we ignore them. Hollywood filmmakers still use these creatures in movies and hence they are part of the Popular Culture just like ware-wolf and vampires and witches. These are Griffin, Sphinx, dragons etc. They also had Indian counterparts as well. But as we have not preserved and presented them in movies properly these creatures and unknown. The European creatures and their Indian counterparts are as follows: Indian Griffin Griffin(European):- Griffins are partly eagle and partly lion with body of lion but wings and head of an eagle. These creatures were and still are used in emblems, coat of arms of European countries and also in stories and movies like Harry Potter series. Sharabha [ शरभ ]:-   This Indian counterpart of Griffin is mentioned in the Hindu