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Showing posts from June, 2020

To People Trying to Offer Help for Depression

Before you go back to normal life after you have posted, 'we can talk' and 'talking will help' you need to know that there are various factors for depression. From a farmer who commits suicide because he has lost his everything, to someone who has everything but still feels empty inside, depression has a wide spectrum. Now before you generalise the issue and go back to your worlds only to return when someone else dies, you need to know a few pointers. Many people are depressed, but as they are busy they don't get time to concentrate on their thoughts. Idle times like quarantine bring back negative thoughts which were always present in the background. So, this would be the right time. Talks and inspirational quotes are nothing more than fancy words without meanings if the problem is as external as it is internal. Situations and circumstances are also factors that shape the thought process. The whole ecosystem is responsible. While talks do help at times