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Showing posts from 2010

The Zombiography

After Vampires, Werewolves, Frankenstein and Mummies the horror trend moved towards “ Zombies ” i.e. walking dead people or simply the undead. Zombie, originally an African myth was recreated in the western countries in popular cultures like movies and books, later in videogames too. As time changed the zombiefication theories in different games, movies etc. changed to make it different from others and also to add it logic. But they lacked many things in the story; I am going to explain what I figured out and what I think one should do when a real zombie apocalypse takes place. (Not necessary apocalypse means whole world infected, even if a town is affected it’s an apocalypse situation for the survivors in it.) TYPES OF ZOMBIEFICATION 1] Undead Zombies due to witchcraft i.e. ghost : These are those kinds of zombies who awake from their grave because they are made alive by a psycho person or a psychic person. Both people have their lame reasons to

Indian Festival(s): Diwali

Diwali also known as Dipavali, which is festival of lights. Although the present scenario in cities of modern India (@least in Mumbai) contradicts the meaning of the festival. The festival of lights is celebrated as festival of noise. Fireworks were used as they gave lights, which were followed by bombs & other crackers which gives 2% light, 48% smoke and 50% noise. It seems like the main intention of celebrating a festival is to trouble people around. Many people have asthma problems; many people mostly due to old age have timid ears and can even get a heart attack after listening the kaboom noise of the crackers. Even during marriages and Ganpati visarjan , traffic jam and making loud noise with weird dances on the streets are common. They don't care if an ambulance have to pass by or if there is hospital in that area.  Indian festivals have now became the best examples of mockery. Festivals are celebrated by troubling other people. Not ju

Indian Mythical Creatures

Like other countries India have its own folk lore. Many of them are based on Vedic religion or Hinduism, Jainism & Buddhism. There are many non-human creatures portrayed in the mythologies like Rakshasa, Vanara, Naga, Yaksha, Astomi, Gandharva, Asura, Preta, Vritra(Dragon) and many more. Some of them have relation with creatures of other regions like Europe, China and Japan etc while some of them are found in urban legends. Here’s what I think about it. Vanara:   Ape like humanoid, with brains & capacities like humans, who helped Rama in war against Ravana in epic Ramayana. Although these creatures are considered as mythical still they shows signs that they could exist. They could be the “Yetis” who dwell in Himalayas. According to legend yetis are those apes like people who like in groups, have backbone like humans & can speak language. Although it is not proved that they exist, if considered they have great similarities with Vanara. Yaksha:   They are mythical crea