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The Zombiography

After Vampires, Werewolves, Frankenstein and Mummies the horror trend moved towards “Zombies” i.e. walking dead people or simply the undead. Zombie, originally an African myth was recreated in the western countries in popular cultures like movies and books, later in videogames too. As time changed the zombiefication theories in different games, movies etc. changed to make it different from others and also to add it logic. But they lacked many things in the story; I am going to explain what I figured out and what I think one should do when a real zombie apocalypse takes place. (Not necessary apocalypse means whole world infected, even if a town is affected it’s an apocalypse situation for the survivors in it.)


1] Undead Zombies due to witchcraft i.e. ghost: These are those kinds of zombies who awake from their grave because they are made alive by a psycho person or a psychic person. Both people have their lame reasons to make dead alive, as a result their creation kills them. Mostly these people are sorcerers or sometimes mad scientist. E.g. Mummies are zombies of this kind. Frankenstein was revived by re-linking the nerves system which results in restarting of currents in the nerves. Only a mad scientist can do it.

2] Undead Zombies due to biohazard situation i.e. virus or bacteria: In this case, a virus or a bacteria infects people, kills them and makes them a zombie, i.e. making them slow, making them look like a rotten body although in many cases they are still alive but can’t think or behave like normal human. E.g. in Resident Evil & High School of the Dead they are dead people but due to virus they move, bite and infect more people. 

3] Infected alive Zombies: In this case they are alive but infected which makes their characteristics like zombies. E.g. in I am Legend and Left 4 Dead they are alive humans who are infected by rabies like virus/bacteria which makes them cannibal and look like a zombie.

4] Zombiefication due to host control: In this type, an external living organism takes over a dead body’s spinal cord and sometimes brain and makes them move, those people are dead but their bodies are controlled by the host creatures. E.g. In Half Life and Half Life 2 the creatures named headcrabs takes over the brain and mobilize the dead body.

The ghost zombies are now old fashion and everyone believes it’s not possible. Undead zombies are not possible because if their body’s dead how can they move if there is no nerves system or blood flow. Also from where do they get energy to move? Their body is rotten so they can’t move for long time. Alive zombies are possible as rabies like virus can exist. A host control can be also a logical explaination but only when an alien creature is introduced.
In the zombie stories they have been many illogical situations like dead bodies walking don’t get rotten, the government can’t take action against a company which creates zombie virus and also that company (Umbrella Corporation) have its own army which is cruel even to its own officials.

Things to be done when trapped in zombiefied scenario:

In such situation one needs to unite all survivors, arrange them according to their capabilities. Using the MMORPG style race to attack or defend.

1] Tanker/Warrior: During the attack of zombies the group must have strategy to fight, in case of a sudden attack someone will have to lead the battle and tank, a tanker is a person with good defense and also his weapons should be very powerful at short range. Tanker drags mobs attention towards him and avoids zombies to go to other people who are helping differently or are working on something.  

2] Cleric/Healer: A medical healer is needed in many ways, as it’s a zombie war like situation so injuries will be common, in case of viral infection a doctor is essential for various purposes.

3] Hunter/Archer: Long range attacker who is away from the battlefield but is helping from his long distance. The best example of Hunter would be a sniper.

4] Mage/Wizard: Generally mages have greater attack but very few defense. In MMOs they have long range magical powers to destroy many opponents at a time in the particular range. His zombie life counterpart would be a bomber or grenadier who will fix bombs or throw it where many zombies would be killed at a time.

Also one needs to revive the civilization in case of apocalypse. So people from every stream, every profession will be needed. To decide about construction one will need Architect, to construct one will need workers, for medical help a Doctor is a must, for defense a military person is needed, for taking good decisions and to avoid conflicts a good Leader is required. One should be practical and one should think every possible probability during such situation.

Update: This is a very old blog, but this information is updated in my new video on my YouTube channel. Subscribe to Prav Yav Nav. Leave your comment here as well as in the video.


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