India is full of colours, flavours, and contrasts. This is quite evident in the country’s cuisine. But for the past few years, everything has been moving towards homogeneity. Earlier, some kinds of foods were consumed only on a certain occasion. This kept the taste utility intact. Thanks to capitalism, now any food anytime and anywhere. Then entered some new cuisines to enrich our taste buds. But slowly, even they adopted to Indian taste and became very Indianised. While all this was reaching its saturation, a new wave of food flooded the markets. Experimental fusion of anything and everything possible. By fusion I mean, the same common ingredients being overused everywhere. Once there was butter chicken, pizza, pasta, and shawarma. But now we have butter chicken, butter chicken pizza, butter chicken pasta, and butter chicken shawarma. Butter Chicken Pizza This fusion wasn’t a bad idea initially. But only a few popular flavours slowly started taking over every diverse food. The m
This blog is all about my perspective & theories on various subjects right from science, legends, religion, history, politics to movies and anything in pop culture.