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A World where Indian Subcontinent was never Colonised - Expedition to an Alternate Swarajya

 Hello everyone!

Exciting news! I'm thrilled to share that I've self-published my debut novel - 'Expedition to an Alternate Swarajya.'

Dive into a world of Alternate History and Sci-Fi Adventure, exploring an alternate universe where India never fell under British colonial rule.

Novel Trailer:

Novel Blurb:

Prism Science Inc. assembles a team of a physicist, a researcher, a strategist, a surgeon and a spy to travel in time and stop their arch-rival Castle Corp from altering the timeline. Assuming their travel is to the future the team enter the time warp. But they land in a present-day alternate universe where the Indian subcontinent never came under British rule and evolved into a group of modern nations.

Deepika Rao, Jessica Bannerjee, Harish Naidu, Ganesh Patel and Rajveer Rathore must now understand what exactly Castle Corp CEO Eric Noble plans to do with this universe. The Suvarna Shakti is an ultranationalist organisation which wants to stage a coup and invade the whole subcontinent with help from Castle operatives. The Prism team must stop them by allying with a secret society named ‘The Council’ and earning the trust of the government of the Federal States, a regional power and successor state to the former Maratha Empire.

You can get your copy at these platforms:

You can get free trivia, and character bios on the story on this playlist here.

Stay tuned for some intriguing content on the subject. Subscribe, Follow, Share it with friends and get your copy of the book!

Thanks & Regards,

Pranav Gogwekar


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