It might be a work of fiction but “apocalypse” was prophesized in almost every civilization or religion whether it’s the ancient Native American civilizations like Mayas & Incas, or in Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. Every civilization has referred it as end of humanity or end of civilization. But in most of the reference it is described that it’s not complete end but a beginning of a new civilization. In Christianity it is said that God will be back to kill the Anti-Christ, world will experience apocalypse and few people shall survived & God shall guide for a recreating of human civilization. In Hinduism also it is said that the 10th avatar of Lord Vishnu shall come i.e. “Lord Kalki” & kill the demon “Kali” which shall end the world & the Kali Yuga i.e. Dark Age. He shall rule earth for some time & Satya Yuga i.e. Truth Age will begin, & human civilization will be revived.
Historical Reference
There have been many historical references of end of many modernized civilizations like the Indus Valley Civilization. Ice Ages, huge floods, climate change, earthquakes etc. caused many civilizations to fade away. But mankind survived and civilizations were recreated. This proves that these happens and will happen in future as it’s a cycle.
Things to keep in mind for restarting Civilization:
In movies like 2012 they have shown complete bull shit. They have shown that only rich businessmen, head of state & head of government are rescued and let others die. Actually one needs to save all kinds of people for restarting a civilization. For construction an architect is needed & so are needed workers. Doctors, engineers, & other professionals who are specialized in social sciences should be kept safe. Also whatever information related to history & evidences should be kept alive. A good leader is needed to guide the new civilization. Also all kinds of animals & plants should survive as they will be needed for various purposes and also for ecological balance. In short every possible thing should be attempted to be saved. In the “Matysa Purana” of Hindu mythology, same things were shown.(this symbolizes that how civilizations end & reborn.)
In the Purana, Lord Vishnu says Earth has become messy and it has to be clean. So, Lord Shiva shall open his third eye, and floods will clean all the mess in the earth. But in such cleaning all the species will be extinct. So, he tells a king of pre- ancient Dravida, “Satyavarta” [who later came to be known as “Manu”- the first human (Indian version of Adam)] to take all kinds of animals, seeds of all kinds of plants, all kinds of medicinal herbs and all the seven sages in a ship, The Lord will guard the ship during the flood(i.e. Matysa Avatar), hence after the cleaning of earth, those sages can revive humanity & give them knowledge, seeds will revive all kinds of vegetation and thus after cleaning, earth will start a new beginning.
Whether it happens or not, weather only a selected area is destroyed, the main important thing to keep in mind is “need to save every possible thing, right from materialistic & non-materialistic.” Because Apocalypse is not the ending, but a start of new beginning.
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