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Jimmy: The Retarded Dog

From the makers of "Turtle Tubby" brings you "Jimmy- the Retarded Dog"

After Hak bought a turtle and named it Tubby because it uses to live in a tub. Now it doesn't live in a tub because according to Hak Tubby catches cold if it is kept inside water. Yeah... I know but it might be a fact.  Hak treats the turtle like his new born baby. After all this... a new character has been introduced by the God in real life Empty Can. A stray dog.

This stray dog isn't an adult, it must be in its doggy teenage. According to my theory it uses to belong to the slum besides Mukand Society who migrated to Mukand but couldn't go back as "The Great Wall of Mukand" has been built between the slum & Mukand Society. So the dog made Mukand phase IV its home. It was starving to death. Although a stray dog it had characteristics like a pet dog. It had a red band on its neck which means it must have been someone's temporary pet. It was standing on 2 feet, barking at the window of my hall using its front feet on cycles for support. It had green dirt in its eyes; it was so weak that its bones were visible. It was crying. So out of pity we gave it food. But we realised that if we give it food again then it'll bother us every time. So we decided to ignore it. But its condition was bad. So out of pity I called Hak - the saviour of dogs. Hak loves dogs more than he will love his real biological future children. Hak gave it food & love. Soon friendship became strong between them. The dog was given a bath by someone I guess, because after few weeks it looked cleaned, fairer and it no longer had the red band on it's neck. Now this dog had become healthy. The dog lived between the 14, 15 &16 no. building. Whenever I and Hak use hangout together in the evening he use to come near Hak & try to play with him. The Dog use to bark at Hak, run away very fast to the north, return back then run to the South and return back. Hak gave it good response and Hak joined him. Hak and the dog now played games like running after each other, catching each other, loving each other. That dog initially tried to hump him but after few attempts it realised that Hak doesn't like that it, so it stopped. Hak now every time use to forget that we were going somewhere or we are meeting for some reason. Every time Hak leaves his home use to play with the dog and me standing beside him bored & cursing myself for introducing Hak with the dog. Hak named the dog as “Jimmy”. This dog has extra fingers on its front feet. Jimmy had a mate, but as she was “a bitch” she went to the Shanti Apartment and got f**ked by a dog there. Now she is officially part of their pack. Jimmy tried to meet ‘the bitch’ but accidently got involved with another pack of dogs who lives in the opposite side i.e. near Navbharat building (the same dogs who use to trouble me while passing by after late evening). They injured Jimmy badly; he got injury on its ears. According to Hak, it couldn’t use its tongue there so it uses to scratch it & turn its head so that the injured part faces the ground. Soon it got use to it and it had its head turned all the time. We realized that it hardly walked; it just ran zigzag.

Hak helped out Jimmy by joining him to the Shanti Apartment for bringing the bitch back but no use, she already have become the daughter in law (Bahu) of the Shanti Apartment pack. She refused to return back. That was a daily soap opera kind of an episode. Well now it’s good between them; the bitch, the bitch’s new mate (husband) and Jimmy are friends now. They often visit him.

Hak and I feed Jimmy once in a while. I feed it with food left outs and chicken skin while Hak purposely buys it food. Jimmy has taken us for granted. It thinks like we shall feed it forever. Whenever we pass by with a plastic bag it thinks its food and try to grab it. It tried to bite Hak’s electricity bill once. It is always hungry, never full, and always hyper and tries to take the food we (me and Aniruddha Bapat) give to the cat. The poor & lazy cat can’t fight back and run away. Jimmy pisses me off many times. Even if Hak don’t want it to hold his leg he can’t do anything. He can’t be bad to him, so he asks me to act as if I am going to throw stone at it. It worked initially, but soon it took me for granted, it felt that I won’t attack it.

Jimmy now calls me by coming near my bedroom window & standing on 2 feet, if it sees me. Hak lives on 3rd floor so Jimmy climbs stairs & goes near his door. Soon this attempt will make the people of society hate the dog and try to send it away.

Now… still Hak plays with Jimmy forgetting the reason why we have met. This pisses me every time. So one eve I just picked the stone and actually threw it near the dog so that it realizes that I am trying to attack it. But it felt that I am giving it food, instead of running away it looked at the stone, smelled it and put it mouth. Later threw it.

Now!  Today while returning home similar thing happened. This time instead of throwing near the dog I threw it on it. It must have hurt Jimmy but the retarded dog still thought I am feeding it, so it put the stone in its mouth and chew it. The stone crumbled into smaller pieces few falling down. He ate the remaining I guess. Hak pulled its tail to stop it. It has a poor & innocent face but…


"Jimmy" the retarded dog reminds me of "Timmy" the retarded kid from South Park. But Timmy is fictional & don't troll me.


  1. Step 1 - Find something Jimmy hates.
    Step 2 - Posses what Jimmy hates.


    Use the ignore no justsu. He will try to act normally but over time he'll get bored of it and not notice you. (hopefully)

    ps - I know it's appropriate to call an animal as 'it' in english but I think Jimmy deserves to be a part of Foo10 and hence I shall call him a 'he' instead of 'it'.

  2. wht abt Hak??? Le Me calling Hak. Hak comes. Jimmy & Hak starts making out. Me facepalm (thinking, I should go alone otherwise more time will be wasted).


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