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Uncertain Future of "Jimmy" - The Retard Dog

More on this retard dog. Those who have not read the introduction post about him, here's the link:

Jimmy now lives outside 16 no. building of Mukand Society i.e. my building. He sits & sleeps near the gate of the building. If someone wants to pass by then he gets up and makes way for them. His daily chores includes getting up early in the morning, going to Hak's home on the 3rd floor by climbing the stairs. He knows when Hak's dad leaves for work so at exact time he goes up and waits there. Hak provides him with breakfast. Then he climbs down and plays with a rubber ball which he hides under the ground. After playing with it he keeps it back. All the day he roams around in the IV phase of the society. His friends from Shanti Apartment often pay him a visit. He plays with them. Sometimes just like Hak, even I give him non veg food left outs. Even I don't he tries to grab it when I am sent to throw it in the bigger dust bin which is away from our building.  So me and Hak feeds him once in a while. My hypothesis is proving to be true as the dog has pet like characteristics.  He don't seem as retard as he use to be. He hugs me & Hak whenever we pass by. At first I use to throw stones, beat him if he comes closer. But that didn't changed him and he continued to do so. I felt sorry for him as even after getting beating he try to hug like a loyal dog. But the problem is he is still a stray unclean dog & I don't like him hugging every frickin time I get out of the house.  He baby bites my legs, shoes & sandals and don't leave me even I try to beat him. But still it was ok, because now I have  somehow became use to it. 

But yesterday he seem to be very very desperate, must be very hungry. He wasn't ready to leave me even after he saw that I had nothing with me. He was biting my legs, sandals & pants. He don't want to hurt, but his teeth can hurt me unintentionally & I don't want to get injections.  So I tried to get him away, he wasn't giving up. Finally I ran near the watchman's cabin as he fears watchmen. I took a stone and threw some on him. Only after some stones he realised that I don't want him near me.

I felt bad for him as he use to be someone's pet who was abandoned by his masters. So its a "master less pet", just like a "master less Samurai". He have made up his mind that he is been adopted by people of Mukand Society. So now it thinks he has right to ask for food. Tries to grab any plastic bags carrying by Mukand dwellers, pissing off many of them. It barks and gets aggressive at people who come from outside, whether its grocery delivery guy or some postman. Just like a pet dog it gets aggressive at anyone passing by the society. Hak takes his side saying, "But they look weird, so its not his fault". Seriously, logic is a sin. :P

 Now today, he was playing with Hak & Hak was going to feed him biscuits, Hak was also waiting for me as I was going to bring my External Hard Disk. As always when I carry my Hard Disk with a plastic bag, he tries to grab it. This time I thought to carry it with its cover so that he don't try to get it. Generally when there is Hak around, he never comes near me. But this time he did and tried to grab my hard disk. In order to keep it away from him I took it higher.  He tried to jump for it, accidentally the box got opened and the hard disk fell down on the ground. :((   He tried to take it but I pushed him and picked it up. :(( My hard disk got scratches, but thank god nothing happened to it. Now it pissed off me again.

He has pissed off many people from the society and he is getting more aggressive. There are chances that someone might call Municipality guys & they will take him away. Some people seem to be angry at Hak because he always takes the dog's side. One of them told him, "If you take his responsibility then get it an injection. It may not hurt you but he might hurt someone else."

He came in our contact last monsoon, when he was weak, malnourished & crying. Now let's see what he does this monsoon, he wont be allowed in 16 no. building. His hopeful safe house might be 15 no. building. But during monsoon he'll stink and people will want him to go away.  

Now only thing to do is Le wait & watch.


  1. oh my...just imagine how my clothes would look like after i come home from a rainy day,after getting hugged by jimmy...XD

    aww & isn't his pic adorable?...

  2. Even I m worried abt da same... & if its raining at that time & I hav an umbrella thn it'll be difficult to get rid of him... need 2 find some strategy.

  3. Yeah, the pic is pretty cool. It's one of those serious-straight-face pics. Zif standing for a formal picture or something hahhhahaha

    I know this sounds crazy but hak, you were thinking of getting a dog, right? Why not adopt jimmy into your home? He's male, you have experience raising a dog and he needs a master after all. Although, you will have to train him carefully on 'homely etiquettes'. Add to that, you'll have to convince your parents as well.

    Sounds tough but I think this is a pretty nice way to get a dog. I mean instead of spending shitload of money BUYing a rare breed, wouldn't it be nice to adopt one who ACTUALLY needs your help.

  4. jimmy eventually had an uncertain future...
    rest in peace,my friend...


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