The previous post [] had predicted the problems which would occur in this year’s monsoon. It became a reality as Jimmy – the retarded dog’s mayhem continues. Jimmy has become very healthy thanks to my family and Hak’s family. We all offer him food once every day. Initially my Dad was against giving food to him, but eventually he became the first to feed him in the morning. In the morning Jimmy use to stand in front of the window and made “Aaauuu! Aaau! Woof!” sound which means, I am hungry, feed me.
“Woof!!!” means “Food!!!” “Bhav-Bhav” means he is calling. “Rarrr!” means getting aggressive. I learnt a little bit of Jimmian language.
Just like a pet Jimmy was kind to us and use to play with us, mostly with Hak. He use to follow us to the gate of Mukand and use to welcome us when we return back. Hak and his mom use to feed him rice & milk occasionally, Parle G biscuits daily. In the morning my mom and dad use to feed him with freshly made chapatti. He use to be a nice dog. While sleeping or sitting on the ground if he realises that someone wants to pass by, he use to get up and make way for the people. As Hak lives on the 3rd floor of 15 no. building, Jimmy use to go up there with a hope that when Hak’ll open the door, he will ‘Woof’ him. Jimmy has made Mukand Society’s 4th phase his home and Hak his master. He considers himself as a pet of my and Hak’s family. He is close to Hak more than anyone as Hak plays with him, feed him daily. Therefore Jimmy goes up to his apartment more often. I remember once when I was at Hak’s place and I was up to leave. I opened the door just to find out that Jimmy was standing outside looking at me with his front legs on the safety door. He was no trouble for anyone at that time but still people from the building use to complain about him. Jimmy use to bark at any dogs that use to enter the 4th phase, even pet dogs. He had rivalry with a pack of dogs from other phase of Mukand who wanted to extend their territory; Jimmy was alone with a huge space. He use to take refuge at 15 no. building when he use to get scared.
Everything was going fine, and then the monsoon started. First, his friend, ‘the mate’s mate’ & he were playing near 16 no. building. Suddenly he got aggressive towards the friend and got violently attacking him. His friend had become skinny and weak, so he ran away. After two days Ishawari, Prutha-Neha’s friend from 2nd phase came to meet Prutha-Neha. Jimmy use to play with her as well. She is also like Hak, she loves dogs and plays with every dogs she sees in her way. But what happened no one knows, Jimmy suddenly got violent and bit her. Later he was back to normal like nothing happened.
He was normal after that and everything was going fine. As I said, he considers Mukand his home and considers himself a pet, he now started barking at people passing by like, milkman, Newspaper guy, postmen, pizza delivery guy etc. He was on their way to the building use to block the way. Because of monsoon, he went up stairs to 3rd floor, where Hak lives and made it his base. He stayed there the whole day & night, only sometimes he went down. This was not it. He started barking and getting aggressive not only towards the people like newspaper guy, delivery guy, but also towards people staying in Mukand on the 15th building. Obviously people got scared as the dog blocked their way at the staircase and barked at them. Jimmy’s voice is very powerful. One can hear his barking from a long distance. Hak use to send him away but he didn’t obeyed. Finally third complaint was lodged against Hak due to the dog. The flat owners, “DavĂ©” called up Hak’s dad and told him about it. Jimmy made Hak’s staying in Mukand difficult. Hak and I tried to get him off the 3rd floor, but Jimmy became so stubborn that he rejected to leave. He made himself firm at his position and started barking at us. Hak brought a stick but no use. Hak was beating him very lightly which didn’t make any difference to him. So I beat him with the stick which must have hurt him as he cried and started grabbing the stick with his mouth for defence. Then he went down, but again tried to go up when I came down with him. I beat him again with hand. He went up again and finally Hak brought him down. After a while he went up again and sat on the floor. This happened many times.
He got more and more aggressive towards people who want to pass by. When Hak tried to send him away with a stick, he became a little bit aggressive towards Hak also. Hak himself said that he got scared for a while. As I had beaten up him he stopped coming towards me & stopped responding me or my mom. Like he was angry at me or he no longer trusted me.
Finally we decided to get rid of him as one more complaint and the land owners will ask Hak’s family to leave. Hak’s mom suggested that we take him in a rickshaw, and go very far away and offer him food. Tie him to a tree and leave him there and return back. But this plan had many complications. I and Hak decided to go to the Municipality office and complain about him. We never thought we would be the one to complain about him. We went to the office but they told us to complain in other department. Hak had to buy some clothes so we thought we’ll complain later the next day. That didn’t happen. As Jimmy had a fight with his friend, the friends from Shanti Apartment don’t play with him and don’t accept him in their group. Hak stopped playing with Jimmy and stopped feeding him. So Jimmy came to our window and asked for food. His gestures seemed like he had an ego problem. He wasn’t asking like earlier, with affection, but instead he was asking for food as if he is saying, “Meri mujburi hai isliye mai aaya hai. Khana dena hai toh do.” We didn’t give him anything.
After 2-3 days the people of 15 no. Building finally made a gate for their entrance to stop Jimmy from getting in. But the work was incomplete, they didn’t put the latch. Jimmy figured out how to get in and out. He first try by pushing the door with his “hand”, if the door opens then fine, if it doesn’t then he tries to pull it. So their problem isn’t solved yet.
Recently I gave him the left outs of fish in a plastic bag. Instead of eating it, he smelled it, and then urinated on it. >_<”
Now it’s good between me & him. He tried to come to me, but when I moved my umbrella a little bit, he got scared. This means he is still scared of me and is confused whether to come to me or not.
They are making the latch right now. After making the latch to the door, if the problem gets solved on itself then Jimmy can stay in Mukand. Otherwise he’ll have to go. So this is not the epic conclusion I guess. But can’t guaranty anything. Just like earlier post, we have to "Wait & Watch"
i wonder why a dog that is not fed since 3 days would urinate on non-vegeterian left outs instead of just eat it...XD
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you guys make a shelter for him somewhere closeby? That way he wont have to live in the wing.