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Aryan Invasion Myth

The Europeans came with the “Aryan Invasion Theory” when they found out that North Indian languages and its ancestor language ‘Sanskrit’ shares very common vocabulary and grammar with the European languages and its ancestor languages i.e. Germanic, Celtic, Slavic, Greek and Latin. They concluded that the North Indian languages, their ancestor Sanskrit, Iranian languages and European languages belong to the same origin, which they named “Indo-European.” As many researchers has said, in those days the European society was very much Euro-Centric. They didn’t want to accept that their language has been influenced by an Indian language i.e. Sanskrit which is considered mother of Indo-European languages. India was under British rule and they didn’t want to accept that their dark skinned slaves were the one who influence them in the ancient times. Therefore they came with the Aryan Invasion Theory. In that theory the Indo-Aryans, subgroup of Aryan race (Europeans) invaded India which dragged the native people, speakers of Dravidian languages (not related to Indo-European) towards south of India. This was theorized by linguistics without the confirmation from geologists, anthropologist and archaeologists. People still believe that North Indians are fair Aryans & South Indians are dark skinned Dravidians. But technically they are just speakers of Aryan and Dravidian languages. They are claims that the Indus Valley Civilization belonged to the Dravidians which was destroyed by the Aryan Invasion. As no evidence was found, this theory was abandoned. So ‘Aryan Invasion Theory’ was replaced by ‘Aryan Migration Theory’.

The British also used this issue for their ‘Divide and Rule’ policy. They divided North and South Indians on the basis of language just like they divided Hindus and Muslims. According to them the Vedic culture and Sanskrit language belonged to the Aryans.

But there are many prima facie points which raises doubts on the Aryan Invasion or Migration theory:
  • The Sanskrit word ‘Arya’ means Noble, Europeans never called themselves ‘Aryan’ prior to the Europeans researching the Vedas and Nazi under Hitler.
  • Harrapan seals have Swastika, the so called 'Aryan' symbol of good luck. And Harrapans are considered native Indians.
  • They have a seal in which a man is in a meditating in Yoga position. He is surrounded by animals. This is called Pashupati seal. Pashupati is the ancient form of Hindu god Shiva. (Proto-Hindu tradition?)
  • They found The Great Bath in Harrapan culture where people use to have a ritual of taking a bath, just like current Hindus do.
  • The skin colour difference in North and South India is mostly due to the climatic condition. As you move towards equator the people becomes darker and darker. But there are North Indian who are dark while South Indians who are fairer. Technically they are mixed ethnic group if not the same.
  • Brahui, a Dravidian language spoken in Pakistan; its speakers are fair people while Sinhalese, an Indo-European language of Sri Lanka, its speakers are darkest among the South Asians. Language speakers and racial ethnicity are different.
  • In Hindu epics, Rama, Krishna, Draupadi are said to be dark skinned people. If they were Indo-European 'Aryans' then how come they were dark skinned?
  • There must have been immigration from North to South and South to North since ancient period. Hence there isn’t a pure Aryan and Dravidian race, even if it’s true.
  • Speaker of a language cannot confirm his ethnicity just like an English speaker form Nigeria isn’t descendant of Anglo-Saxons.
  • European settlers in India from the Colonial period doesn’t look like Indians while the Gypsies or Romani people of Europe who are Indo-Aryans who settled there in ancient times still look like Indians and are dark skinned.
  • There are many European languages which is not part of Indo-European language family. E.g: Basque, Uralic, Kartvelian languages, etc. Does that means that they are the native people of Europe? This makes describing racial groups complicated.
  • Racially North Indians are similar to South Indian than with Europeans. Basically its like a colour chart from Europe, to Iran to Pakistan to India, ethnicities change gradually.
World race is like a colour chart. Turks share common features with Europeans and Iranians. Iranians share common features with Turks and North Indian & Pakistani. North Indians share similar features with Iranians and South Indians. But South Indians do not share common features with Iranians or Turks. Similarly North Indians do not share common features with Turks or Europeans. Nepal lies between India and Tibet, so it shares common features with North Indians as well as Tibetans. This is how ethnicity and races have evolved.  You cannot make out the difference on Indian races. One cannot make out difference between a South Indian and North Indian, this is because we belong to the same race. Many North Indians are misunderstood as South Indians and vice versa.

Here's a new perspective.
There have been more theories like, “Indigenous Aryans” & “Out of India Theory”. This theory says Indo-Aryan and Vedic culture originated in India and Out of India theory states that migration happened from India to Europe as they believe that Sanskrit is older than other classical languages of the Indo-European language family. But still the outdated invasion theory is still taught & believed in most part of India. 

I am not supporter of Conspiracy Theories but we all must have an open mind to these theories instead of sticking to a Theory and believing it blindly. These are theories and not well proven facts. So let us keep it that way instead of taking those as facts.

Here's some videos on "Out of India Theory"

Third Perspective


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