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Old Antique Coins

Recently I found my late grandmother's collections of old coins of the 20th century of different countries. I polished it using tamarind, vinegar and some powder. After that, it’s ready. From Colonial India to Post World War Europe and from America and Hong Kong to Middle East, I’ve got coins from different parts of the world. I have scanned those coins and uploaded them with details. Here’s it.

British Indian Rupees

These are the coins of India during the British rule after end of the revolt of 1857 when East IndiaCompany rule ended and British Government took direct control of India.
This coin was minted in 1906

Silver Coin

Copper Coins

Portuguese Indian Rupees

The Portuguese rule started in India before the British and left India after the British left. They had regions like Goa, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu and for some time Bombay and Calicut under their rule. When their rule started in India Portugal was a Kingdom and hence their initial coins had the head of their monarch and the Royal Coat of Arms. In later days when the country became a Republic, the Emblem was modified. 

Coin when Portugal was a kingdom. Left has the head of the monarch and right has the Coat of Arms
Portuguese ruled regions of India from 1505 to 1961. Portugal was kingdom between 1139 to 1910. Therefore the coin above must have been minted between 1506 to 1910.

Coin of Portuguese India after Portugal became a Republic. It has the Coat of Arms of the Republic.

Rest of India got Independence from Britain in 1947 while Portuguese still ruled regions of India till 1961. These coins were minted in 1947 and 1952 i.e. after the independence of India.

Middle-Eastern Coins

This coin was minted prior to the Islamic Revolution in Iran. Probably when the country was ruled by the Pahlavi dynasty, if not the Qajar dynasty. The Emblem on the coin showing a lion with a sword and the rising Sun behind it was used during the Qajar and Pahlavi rule.

Imprinted in Arabic and French

From the Coat of Arms showing a palm tree and two swords in cross we can predict it must be a Saudi Arabian Riyal.

Possibly its also Saudi Arabian

May be a Moroccan coin

British Penny(Pound)

Italian Coins




Polish Coins

Belgian Coins

Coins of the Netherlands

Coins of Colombia
In Spanish, Dollar is called Peso while its subdivision Cents are called Centavos. In fact its the other way around. Originally Spanish Peso were called Dollars in English and were used by American before minting their own currency. The sign "$"came from $panish Peso.

Coin of Hong Kong
When Hong Kong was  part of the British Empire


Pakistani Rupee
Minted in 1948
It must be among the first coins Pakistan minted after independence.

Post Independence Indian Rupee

Minted in 1947
 The Coin above was minted in 1947, after India got Independence. It was the Indian Union back then and British monarch was still the titular Emperor of India. The Coin below however was minted after India became a Republic. When the nation got its Constitution and President. Therefore it has the National Emblem of India, the Ashoka Lion Capital.
Minted in 1951
Minted in 1955

US Dollars


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