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The Balance between Art and Stability

Art flourishes when there is stability. During ancient times, humans created art only when they found a safe place to reside and ample food to eat. When civilisation came into existence, farming and pastoral professions created surplus resources and granted a good amount of free time for people to pursue their hobbies. In feudal times, when kings and prosperous merchants had a lot of money at their disposal, they spent it on patronising art. This is how art flourished and artists found their livelihood.

After industrialisation and modernisation, art itself became a commodity. Only those arts with higher demand began to get preference. Although industry flourished, contacts became the tool that allowed or barred artists from achieving their goals. Even today, an artist requires stability to deliver art. Therefore, either the artist must get paid for the art, or find an alternative profession to attain stability. This is why many artists today are struggling, not just for their survival, but also for the survival of their art. Art requires mental peace, which is only possible when the artist's anxieties are taken care of. But even if the artist is employed in a profession different from his artistic realm, it should also grant some time to spare. Modern 9 to 5 jobs are no longer 9 to 5. Deadlines are tighter and stress is constant. This again hampers the productivity of an artist, even beyond working hours. Therefore, art is now becoming a luxury. Being also a commodity, only sellable art has a demand. Either the artist has a natural tendency to adapt, or to be an artisan who works on what is commissioned, rather than what comes naturally to the artist.

Whether it is painting, writing, acting, singing, playing instruments or dancing, artists of all kinds go through this struggle for stability. Some spend most of their lives earning, only to pursue art post-retirement. Others, compromise on their stable career to pursue art. But as said earlier, art requires stability. An artist, therefore, is living a life in a constant battle between stability and artistic aspirations. This is only resolved when the art itself grants stability. Otherwise, the circus of balancing act continues.


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